Join B.A.S.S

BASS welcomes you as a new member. Additional information is on our BASS membership brochure.

To Join BASS, please download, complete and mail us the BASS membership application (found within the brochure). For your convenience, you can use the membership and payroll deduction authorization on the application form that is included on the BASS brochure. You can pay your membership dues of $10 per month by convenient State payroll deductions. After you complete and sign the membership application, you may mail the form to:

Black Advocates in State Service, Inc.
P.O. Box 1596
Sacramento, CA 95812


Are you already a member and not receiving information from BASS by mail or email? BASS needs your updated email and mailing addresses so we can ensure that you receive BASS communication. Please complete the BASS membership form (Write: for address/email information ONLY) and mail it to us today. Alternatively, you can email your contact information to [email protected] or call (916) 704-1016.

BASS Membership Application
